Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Suit

It's important to understand what the man's role is in a wedding. We typically laze around until the last minute and then scramble to take care of the business. It is my goal not to do that. We have worked as a team to get almost everything done. Every day, contact this, call that, suits here, and flowers there, we are almost done! It is important however, to sit back and reflect why we do this. In light of all the events of the recent months, I've begun to do lots of self assessment about this whole wedding thing. I have grown more infatuated with my fiancee with every day. She's such a go getter. It makes me want to do more and be more active in my life. That's the funny thing with relationships, you want to make it all about the other person, but in the end, it becomes about you. In a good way of course. With all that's going on, I thought I'd share that. I often imagine what things will be like in 10 or 15 years. I don't do this because I want to rush through the present and get there sooner. Rather, I like to imagine all the things along the way that will eventually lead me to these events. For instance, I'd love to buy a house with a big back yard so we can grow our garden and have a place for Hazel to run around. Part of buying a house is looking for one, for which I can't wait. Looking for a house means Elizabeth is out of school, and I can't wait to see her walk across that stage. To walk across the stage, means that Elizabeth has poured hours and hours of studying and reading into become someone who not just saves lives, but physically, emotionally, and mentally improves the quality of life of anyone who happens to walk through her door. And to study day and night means that she is where she is now, a hard worker putting in the long work days, and extensive sacrifice to get back into PA school. So as you can see, it's not about the buying the house that gets me excited. It's about the entire journey along the way. 

I would like to note that I am a music major, and inevitably there will be 5,000 grammatical and spelling errors. I write music not words, so be gentle. 

The past few months I've really begun to miss my bro's. It sounds stupid but, when the vast majority of my friends live more than 12 hours away, it really makes ya long for the olden days. The days when we used to walk around downtown and get into just enough trouble. Not too much. Just enough. I am really excited about getting to share this wedding with them. I don't think I would have ever guessed that they'd beat me to the punch, but hey that's how things go. I would also take this time to say that I am so proud of my brother and sister in-law for bringing beautiful Caleb into this world. He's a heck of a dude and he'll be a great addition into the clan. 

At any rate, I think it's important to remember that as we draw closer to the wedding, that this is a wedding of two families, not just two people. I am proud to have a new sister, mother, father, grandmothers, aunts, cousins, uncles, and two new, however little, dogs. I know, that the same can be said for Elizabeth. When friends and family run so deep, it's important to give them their proper due. I'd also like to give a shout out to Drew and Sara for their future babe. She's going to be spoiled rotten with love and Aunt Liz and Uncle Dan, are pumped for the arrival. I think this will be all for now I think. I will leave you with this small adage.

I saw a story of a young high school boy who had a terminal illness. He had a documentary of his last few months of life. He mentioned that there is one reason why we are here on this earth. That reason was to see someone smile and know that it was because something you did. His way of making people smile was to give his family, which he loved more than anything else, songs of which to remember him by. He wrote music to express his thoughts feelings and emotions. This gave his family and those around him a reason to smile. And that was his goal. This boy is not unlike me. I have a family I love and care for. I have music. I think that if I can do what he did, use his music and love for his family to make people smile, only then I will truly be living. 

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